. ryū 龍 / 竜 dragon legends .
© Mark Schumacher, Dragon Images of Japan
The most detailed resource, take your time to visit Mark's page.
Below are some of the subjects he covers.
Ryu, Ryuu, Ryuoh, Ryuu-ou, Ryujin, Ryuujin, Tatsu, Jikoku Dragon, Dragon King, Luminous Being
Member of the TENBU
Sanskrit = Naga Raja.
Both the dragon and snake are members of the NAGA group of serpentine creatures; Hindu Lore.
Four Dragons, Four Seas
In both Chinese and Japanese mythology, the dragon is closely associated with the watery realm, and four dragon kings are said to rule over the four seas (which in the old Chinese conception limited the habitable earth).
Celestial Dragon; rules over the Mansions of the Gods
Spiritual Dragon; presides over rain
Earth Dragon; determines the course or rivers
Dragon of Hidden Treasure; guards precious metals and stones
oo oo oo oo oo
Dragon King's Palace
Origin of the Dragon's Japanese Name
In Japanese mythology, the Dragon King's Palace (Ryugu) is said to be located at the bottom of the sea, near the Ryuku Islands (Okinawa), and it belongs to Ryujin, the Japanese name for the dragon king. The palace is also known as the "Evergreen Land." In his book Japanese Poetry, Professor B. H. Chamberlain says the Japanese word for Dragon Palace (ryugu, or ryukyu) is likewise the Japanese pronunciation of the southernmost Ryuku islands (Okinawan islands). He writes about one ode in the Man-yu-shu, which says the orange was first brought to Japan from the "Evergreen Land" lying to the south.
The many-storied palace is built from red and white coral, guarded by dragons, and full of treasure, especially the Tide Jewels, which control the ebb and flow of tidal waters. Fish and other sea life serve Ryujin as vassals, with the turtle acting as the dragon's main messenger. On the north side of the palace there is the Winter Hall, where snow falls all the time. On the eastern side lies the Hall of Spring where butterflies visit cherry blossoms while the nightingale sings. On the southern side of the palace is the Summer Hall where crickets chirp in the warm evening. Finally, on the western side is the Autumn Hall where the maple trees glow in bright colors. For a human, a day in this palace is like 100 years on earth.
Read the details of these headlines at the LINK
given at the top of this page.
Origin of Dragon's Japanese Name
In Japanese mythology, the Dragon King's Palace (Ryūgū 竜宮) is said to be located at the bottom of the sea, near the Ryūkū (Ryukyu) 琉球 Islands (Okinawa), and it belongs to Ryūjin (Ryujin) 竜神, the Japanese name for the dragon king.
The Dragon, Enoshima Island, and Goddess Benzaiten
Hōjō Clan (Regents of Kamakura),
The Tale of Urashima
The Tale of Hoori
The Story of the Tide Jewels and Empress Jingu
Rain from Ryujin
God of Fire Fighters - Dragon Tattoo
The Carp Who Became a Dragon
Lucky Motifs on a Dragon Robe
Around 1,800 BC, the celestial indicator (the "pole star") was not the modern-day North Star (Polaris), but rather Thuban, a star in the constellation known as Draco or Dragon. ...
Excerpt from "Myths & Legends of Japan"
by F. Hadland Davis.
Five, Four, Three Claws
Dragon Mythology
Exerpt from "An Encyclopedia of Myth and Legend:
Chinese Mythology" by Derek Walters as found at:
Dragon Star Constellation
Eight great Dragons, hachidai ryuu-ou 八大竜王
Dragon King, Ryouou (ryoo-oo) 陵王
DRAGIN KINGS, Ryū-ō 龍王 or 竜王
Kurikara 倶利迦羅 the sword of Fudo Myoo-O

Woodblock by Utagawa Kunisada II, 1860
. Mark Schumacher - The Dragon Page .

. Welcome 2012 — Year of the Dragon .
goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 Dragon God of five colors
In the 犬山市 Inuyama region and
金龍神 Golden - 白龍神 - White - 黒龍神 Black - 赤龍神 Red - 青龍神 Green
at 田無神社 Tanashi Jinja -Tokyo, Nishitokyo, 田無町3−7−4
ryuugonsan リュウゴンサン / 龍王神 the Dragon King Deity
goshiki no tsume 五色の爪 nails of five colors of the 竜王 Dragon Deity
At the Temple Muro-Ji 室生寺の境内 along the river 室生川 the saint 慶円上人 Keien (1140 - 1223) once passed. At the riverside a female Dragon King 善女竜王 waited for him. He asked her to show her real features and after some discussion, she turned into a black cloud and showed her right hand. It had long nails of about 3 cm in five colors.
Since than the riverbank is called 爪出が淵 Tsumedegafuchi.
. goshiki 五色と伝説 Legends about the five ritual colors .
Kasuga Ryuujin 春日竜神 Kasuga Ryujin
The Dragon God of Kasuga Shrine .
funadama 船玉 / 船霊 / 船魂 guardian deity of a boat
funadama san 船玉さん / フナダマサン / funatama フナタマ
Legend from Aichi, 下山町 Shimoyama town
ryuujin 龍神 Dragon Deity
Some horse leaders were passing along the riverbank of 上尾河 Aegogawa. One of the female attendants took off the bamboo basket from the horse and threw in into the river.
She said the Dragon Deity in the river might have wanted the crystal ball in the basket.
Ryujin Kaido 龍神街道 Ryujin Highway of the "Dragon God"
This road was used by Tokugawa Yorinobu, the 10th son of Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was the lord of Wakayama and often called
Nanryuko 南龍公 "Honorable Southern Dragon".
He went to the hot spring 龍神温泉 Ryujin Onsen "of the Dragon God".
龍神 - 天龍白蛇の滝 - 熊野若王子神社(京都)
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