Special page of the World Kigo Database.
Please add your Dragon haiku as a comment !
Learn more about the Asian Dragon!
by Gabi Greve
dragon, climbing to heaven, ryuu ten ni noboru
龍天に登る / りゅうてんにのぼる
kigo for mid-spring
The dragon in China, as the sacred being. According to the old Chineses records, on the spring equinox, the dragon went off to heaven to take care of the rain for the season, until the equinox in autumn, when he would come down to earth and dive back into the pond.
TATSU 辰 たつ in Japanese.
Look at him HERE !
ryy ten ni noboru metoro no tsuukikoo
a dragon ascends
to the heaven—
a metro’s vent hole
Suzuki Kinue 鈴木きぬ絵
Tr. Fay Aoyagi
... ... ...
... ... ...
the dragon climbing toward heaven -
the grottoes of DunHuang
almost covered by sand
© PHOTO and Haiku Gabi Greve
Read more about my trip to Dunhuang, China
kigo for the NEW YEAR

Benten on a Dragon
hatsu tatsu 初辰 (はつたつ) "first dragon"
first day of the dragon
..... jooshinnichi 上辰日(じょうしんにち)
Tatsu matsuri 辰祭(たつまつり)Dragon Festival
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
hatsu tatsu no mizu 初辰の水(はつたつのみず)
first water for the dragon
. . . shio no mizu 潮の水(しおのみず)"tide water"
to be thrown on the roof.
On this day people of old would throw water on the roof and pray for protection from fires during the coming year.
The Dragon, fifth of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.
next zodiac animal is the MI, snake with its kigo:
hatsu mi 初巳 (はつみ) "first snake"
first day of the snake
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
hatsu Benzaiten 初弁財天(はつべんざいてん)
first visit to a Benten shrine
..... hatsu Benten 初弁天(はつべんてん)
fuse mairi 布施参(ふせまいり)
visit a Benten shrine (mairi) and make an offering (fuse)
. Water Deities and KIGO
kigo for the mid-summer
. 爬龍船(ハーりーせん / はりゅうせん)Dragon Boat
Dragon Boat Race ペーロン Peron
ready for spring
the bearded dragon
takes off his clothes
the clouds tonight,
a dragon
breathing snow
robert wilson
Simply Haiku Forum
the dragon lived here
long before man -
knowing my limits
Gabi Greve, click HERE to look at it !
Grottoes in Guilin, China
our first born son -- the year of the dragon
chibi ~simple-sigh-man~
Dragons play whirlwind
among the clouds meet and rain
unite earth and sky
in charcoal:
a sharp curve of his tail
the dragon coughs fire!
-kala ramesh, India
Inspired by the Hokusai Dragons
in the ink,
dragons ascending Fuji,
lightning in winter
Simply Haiku Forum
a dragon soars
from the painter's brush
unfettered mind
Gabi Greve about Hokusai Dragons
a little snow -
the dragon down the valley
shows its curves

Snow in the Valley
morning walk -
the Dragon spits fire
from the roof
Morning Walk
the dragon -
now a cloud
in my sky
terrible heat -
the dragon's mouth
wide open
(August 2006)
Gabi Greve
Words and Water Dragons
at sunset
bowing reeds encounter
a water dragon
Graham Nunn, Australia, 2006 Published in HaikuOz

typhoon season -
a dragon hovers
over Japan
Gabi Greve, July 9, 2006
London morning dew -
fumes through my nostrils and mouth
like an Eastern dragon !
Kala Ramesh
Look at the Haiga by Angelee Deodhar
at sunset
bowing reeds encounter
a water dragon
Graham Nunn
words and water dragons
Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Queensland Poetry Festival
Dragon Jewel, Dragon Berry (Ophiopogon japonicus) and HAIKU
. Dragon haiku of this BLOG .
. Dragon Haiku by Matsuo Basho 龍 .
. Chinese origin of Japanese kigo .
water dragon
escapes the scroll--
spilled tea
Denis Garrison
Haiku & Tanka Unchained
dragon clouds ~
leaves fall one by one
glisten sunlight
London morning dew --
fumes through my nostrils and mouth
like an Eastern dragon!
Kala Ramesh, India
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