Water Sprouting Dragon Head
tatsu no kuchi kara mizu no deru choozubachi
tatsu no kuchi 龍の口 the mouth of the dragon
ryuunokuchi, ryuu no kuchi is not a common reading.
water sprouts
This is one of the most common dragon figures to meet at the entrance of a shrine or temple, sprouting water to rinse your hand and mouth and purify yourself.
choozuya, temizuya 手水舎
a small water basin under a roof

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. temizu, choozu 手水 ritual purification of hands - Introduction .
shizenseki chouzubachi 自然石手水鉢
Lit. natural stone water basins.
A generic name for a water basin, *chouzubachi 手水鉢, in which the addition of a water pool *mizuana 水穴 is the only major change to the original appearance of the stone.
Common types of shizenseki chozubachi include
the *fujigata chouzubachi 富士形手水鉢,
the *sodegata chouzubachi 袖形手水鉢,
the *ichimonji 一文字,
the *shibaonkougata chouzubachi 司馬温公形手水鉢,
the "standing stone shape" tate-ishigata chouzubachi 立石形手水鉢
the "sickle shape" kamagata chouzubachi 鎌形手水鉢, and
the "shell shape" kaigata chouzubachi 貝形手水鉢.
source : JAANUS

At shrine Kawasaki Hachimangu 川崎八幡神社
. Tsuyama Town, Okayama .
Doi, Doi Shrine, Doi Jinja, 土井神社

Read more here:
My Visit to Izumo Kaido, the Town of Doi
Gabi Greve

Shared by Peter Musters
Joys of Japan

the guardian of the temizuya at the shinto shrine
Ohira Hachimangu (大平八幡宮)
David A. LaSpina
source : japandave.com/2012

Shared by Pedro Teixeira da Mota
Joys of Japan
. Shrine Omiwa Jinja 大三輪神社 .

- source : watanabe san facebook -
岡山八幡社 Okayama Hachiman Sha,
Aichi 愛知県幡豆郡吉良町大字岡山字八幡山8番

Fushimi Inari Shrine compound
Descended from heaven,
a compassionate Ryu gives awakened strength to the pilgrims souls ...
- Shared by Pedro Teixeira da Mota -
Joys of Japan, 2012
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