"Dragon wheel, dragon vehicle"
ryuusha, ryusha 竜車, 竜舎
is a round or egg-shaped part of the upper decoration (soorin 相輪, finial) of a pagoda.
It symbolizes a vehicle for the angles to come down to earth.
It is located between the "blazing water decoration" (suien 水煙) below it and the "wishfulfilling jewel (hooju 宝珠) above it.
Second item on the illustration below.

© PHOTO Hoshino
Good explanation of a SOORIN is here,
where the photo is given:
See here for an English explanation of Soorin
JAANUS: sourin

© http://kawai52.cool.ne.jp/siga-tyoumeiji.htm
The photo shows the top decoration of the temple Choomei-Ji, where the "Dragon Vehicle" was made in the year 1810. Click on the LINK for more photos.
Temple Kooshoo-Ji 興正寺(こうしょうじ)

The photo shows the top decoration of the temple Kooshoo-Ji-Ji, where the "Dragon Vehicle" is rather elongated and clearly to make out.
Click on the LINK for more photos.
© http://kawai52.cool.ne.jp/aiti-kousyouji.htm
Daruma Museum, Japan
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summer heat -
maybe it is cooler
up there ?
More Photos of a soorin.
Dear Gabi san,
Thanks for teaching us about pagoda architecture. I have admired the buildings, but never knew what the spires symbolized.
summer drought
pagodas needling
the clouds
Billie Dee, California, USA
kiku makura
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