Gabi Bird : Gabichoo ガビチョウ. 画眉鳥
Leucodioptron canorum, formerly Garrulax canorus

© PHOTO : nobitaki.blog12
The Chinese Hwamei or Melodious Laughingthrush
is a passerine bird of eastern Asia in the Old World babbler family, Timaliidae. The name "Hwamei" comes from the Chinese 画眉 (huà-méi) and means "painted eyebrow" referring to the distinctive marking around the bird's eyes.
The species is a popular cagebird because of its attractive song.

It is 21 to 25 cm long with broad, rounded wings and a fan-shaped tail. The plumage is mostly reddish-brown with dark steaks on the crown, back and throat. There is a white ring around the eye which extends backwards as a white stripe. The bill and feet are yellowish. Birds on Hainan Island (L. c. owstoni) are paler below and more olive-coloured above. The Taiwan Hwamei is greyer and more streaked and lacks the white markings on the head.
The song is a loud, clear, varied whistling with regular repetition and imitations of other birds. The call is a rasping whistle or rattle.
It is a skulking bird which is often very difficult to see. It typically feeds on the ground among leaf litter, foraging for insects and fruit. It usually occurs in pairs or in small groups.
The breeding season lasts from May to July. A large cup-shaped nest is built up to two metres above the ground in a tree or bush or amongst undergrowth. Two to five blue or blue-green eggs are laid.
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a songbird
named "gabichoo" -
hi, gabi san
in white sand
daruma eyes watch
for gulls
Hallo Bette,
Let me tell you what Daruma was watching!
There is a bird called DARUMA-Enaga.
source : Daruma Forum July 2004
Daruma Enaga ダルマエナガ - 達磨柄長
This is quite a large group, with many sub-species.

Enaga, (Bushtits), Aegithalidae
Paradoxornis webbianus
Daruma-enaga, (Babblers), Timaliidae
___, Gabichoo, (Chinese Hwamei), Garrulax canorus,
___, Hime-gabichoo, (Moustached Laughingthrush), Garrulax cineraceus,
___, Sooshichoo, (Red-billed Leiothrix/Pekin Robin), Leiothrix lutea,
___, Hige-gara, (Bearded Tit), Panurus biarmicus,
___, Daruma-enaga, (Vinous-throated Parrotbill), Paradoxornis webbianus,
source : webspace.webring.com/ kantori
だるまえながか Daruma Enaga
Fam. Sylviidae or Paradoxornithidae
Chamaea - Wrentit
Conostoma - Parrotbill
Sinosuthora ダルマエナガ属
Suthora (Paradoxornis から分離)
Neosuthora (Paradoxornis から分離)
Chleuasicus (Paradoxornis から分離)
Psittiparus (Paradoxornis から分離)
Paradoxornis - Parrotbill
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A Russian set with this bird as one of them.

One more Daruma Bird !

Daruma-inko ダルマインコ
Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri
a parakeet
calls: Daruma Daruma
Daruma kana
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