. Dragon Temples .
Ryuu Jinja 龍神社 Ryu Jinja "Dragon Shrine"

in the compound of
Takano Shrine, Takano Jinja 高野神社
Izumo Kaido : In no Shoo
. In no Shoo 院庄
Shrines with the kanji for dragon in the name

There are various shrines in Japan with this name.
In Akita
龍神社 能代市能代町
In Chiba
龍神社 - 千葉県船橋市海神
In Ehime
龍神社 今治市高部
龍神社 今治市波止浜1丁目2−13
In Ibaraki
竜神社 - 猿島町生子 八坂社南方に鎮座
In Iwate
龍神社 紫波郡矢巾町白沢中ノ口
In Kumano
龍神社】たつじんじゃ Tatsu Jinja
In Tochigi
竜神社 下都賀郡藤岡町大字大前

Hakone, Nine Headed Dragon Shrine
. . . CLICK here for more 龍神社 Photos !
. Ryuuguu jinja 龍宮神社 Ryugu Jinja - Dragon Palace .
Ryuujoo jinja 龍城神社 Ryujo Jinja "Dragon Castle"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Ryuuoo jinja 竜王神社 Ryuo Jinja "Dragon King"
. Ryuuoo 竜王 Ryuo "Dragon King" .
Muroo Ryuuketsu Jinja 室生竜穴神社
1 km east of temple Muro-Ji 室生寺
also called "Ryuo Jinja".
Ryuuketsu 竜穴 Ryuketsu is lit. a "hole for the water deity".
Three three Ryuketsu deities
(Myokichijo Ryuketsu, Mochihokichijo Ryuketsu, and Sasharaebisukichijo Ryuketsu).

. Three Dragon Kings at Ryuketsu Jinja .
. 劔龍神社 Kenryuu Jinja
劔龍山大権現 Kenryu Daigongen .
Seiryu 青龍 / 青竜 the Azure Dragon
. Seiryuu Jinja 青龍神社 Seiryu Azure Dragon Shrines .
Seiryuu Daigongen 青竜大権現 Seiryu Daigongen
Hachiryuu 八龍神社 Eight Dragon Shrines
Hachi Dai Ryuu-oo Jinja 八大龍王神社
Eight Great Dragon King Shrines
八竜神社 - Hachi Ryuu Daimyoojin 八竜大明神
for the
Hachi Dai Ryuu-oo 八大竜王 Ryu-O
Eight Great Dragon Kings
. Eight Dragon Shrines .
More shrines with names not listed above
Shrines for the Dragon God 龍神 - LIST of prefectures
秋田県 Akita
Sekiryoo Jinja 石龍神社 Stone Dragon Shrine

岩手県 Iwate
Ganryuu Jinja巖龍神社 cliff dragon, Morioka, Tono
神奈川県 Kanagawa
Kuzuryuu Jinja 九頭龍神社 Kuzuryu Jinja, Shrine with a nine-headed dragon
足柄下郡箱根町元箱根 Hakone, Ashigara
(see illustration above)
In Nara
Kinryuu jinja 金龍神社 (of Kasuga Taisha)
deity is Kinryuu Ookami 金龍大神
東京都 Tokyo
九頭竜神社 西多摩郡檜原村数馬 Kuzuryuu Jinja

source : www.kuzuryujinja.net
Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima or Itsukushima Island
in Japan's Inland Sea was believed to be the abode of the sea-god Ryūjin's daughter. According to the Gukanshō and The Tale of Heike (Heinrich 1997:74-75), the sea-dragon empowered Emperor Antoku to ascend the throne because his father Taira no Kiyomori offered prayers at Itsukushima and declared it his ancestral shrine. When Antoku drowned himself after being defeated in the 1185 Battle of Dan-no-ura, he lost the imperial Kusanagi sword (which legendarily came from the tail of the Yamata no Orochi (dragon) back into the sea.
In another version, divers found the sword, and it is said to be preserved at Atsuta Shrine. The great earthquake of 1185 was attributed to vengeful Heike spirits, specifically the dragon powers of Antoku.
Ryūjin shinkō ryuujin shinkoo 竜神信仰 "dragon god faith" is a form of Shinto religious belief that worships dragons as water kami. It is connected with agricultural rituals, rain prayers, and the success of fisherman.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Ryūjin shinkō
Ryūjin ("dragon kami") faith is a form of religious thought and practice associated with dragons, a mythical sacred animal of ancient China. Although Japanese ryūjin worship was influenced by China, the Japanese dragon as an object of faith was a deified snake, a symbol of a water kami (suijin). Besides the term ryūjin, ryūō ("dragon king") and ryūgū ("dragon palace") are also used. The dragon kami is connected with agriculture because of its characteristic as a water kami. Prayers for rain were performed at rivers, swamps, ponds, and deep pools which were regarded as the abodes of the ryūjin. Agricultural rituals, such as prayers for rain and rope pulls, were carried out using a straw rope shaped like a serpent-like dragon. As a water kami, ryūjin is connected with raijin, the kami of thunder, who brings forth rain and lightning. It is thought that the dragon kami ascends to heaven when a tornado occurs.
Further, umi no kami (kami of the sea), thought to reside on the other side of the ocean and to rule over the sea, is connected with water kami belief and is frequently used as a synonym for ryūjin. Fishermen prayed to the dragon kami for an abundant catch and calm seas. They carried out festivals for ryūjin, celebrated as the kami of the sea and the kami of the dragon palace. These festivals are referred to by such names as uramatsuri ("inlet festival"), isomatsuri ("beach festival"), and shiomatsuri ("tide festival").
From the belief that metal nullified the magical powers of a snake, there developed the idea of refraining from actions that would anger the snake. Hence, fishermen believed it was taboo to drop metal in the ocean. This was the background to the idea of the equivalence of the snake kami, the dragon kami, and the sea kami. The motif of interaction between the sea kami and humans often appears in folk tales such as Urashima Tarō and Ryūgū Dōji. The belief that wealth and treasure is brought from the other side of the ocean derives from this source.
source : Iwai Hiroshi, 2006, Kokugakuin
There are many more shrines in Japan which are related to the Dragon, but do not carry its character in the name.
Here is a list for Kyoto with great photos
Kibune Jinja 貴船神社
Manai Jinja 真名井神社
Heian Jingu 平安神宮
Yasaka Jinja 八坂神社
Shinsen en 神泉苑
Kandakara Jinja 神宝神社
Tatsuo Jinja 瀧尾神社 "Dragon tail shrine"
Kuzuryu Seniarai Benzaiten 九頭龍銭洗弁財天
Hakuryuu Zeniarai Benzaiten 白龍銭洗辨財天
Kuzuryuu Taisha 九頭竜大社 "Dragon with nine heads"
Takenobu Inari Jinja 武信稲荷神社
source : www.merosu.com
. Myooken Bosatsu 妙見菩薩 Myoken .
and the Star Shrines of Japan
Hokushin Myoken Bosatsu 北辰妙見菩薩
Hokushin Bosatsu 北辰菩薩 Sk: Sudrsti
Hokushin Jinja 北辰神社 -
..... "Northern Dragon Shrine" Pole Star Shrine
- Reference : 北辰神社 in Japan
. Omamori 龍神札 Dragon God Amulets .
. Dragon Temples .
- #dragonshrines -
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