Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Mt. Minobu - The appearance of the seven-headed dragon god to Takeda Shingen and his troops
Pulished by Tsunashima Kamekichi
source : Peter and Lois Gilder, Arts and Designs Japan
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 月岡芳年
(1839 – June 9, 1892)
also named Taiso Yoshitoshi 大蘇 芳年), a Japanese artist.
He is widely recognized as the last great master of Ukiyo-e, a type of Japanese woodblock printing. He is additionally regarded as one of the form's greatest innovators. His career spanned two eras – the last years of feudal Japan, and the first years of modern Japan following the Meiji Restoration. Like many Japanese, Yoshitoshi was interested in new things from the rest of the world, but over time he became increasingly concerned with the loss of many aspects of traditional Japanese culture, among them traditional woodblock printing.
By the end of his career, Yoshitoshi was in an almost single-handed struggle against time and technology. As he worked on in the old manner, Japan was adopting Western mass reproduction methods like photography and lithography. Nonetheless, in a Japan that was turning away from its own past, he almost singlehandedly managed to push the traditional Japanese woodblock print to a new level, before it effectively died with him.
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New forms of thirty-six ghosts

18. Kiyomori sees hundreds of skulls
Kiyomori had become the most important man of Japan by ruthlessness. He suffers from insanity in the winter of 1180, watches the skulls of his victims in agony and will perish soon.
source : Jan van Reek
source : 新形三十六怪撰
One Hundred Moon Woodblock Prints
by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-1892)
Exhibition at the SieboldHuis, Leiden, Holland
The last of these hundred prints shows Matsuo Basho!
. Gabi Greve, November 2006 .
One Hundred Aspects of the Moon
Tsuki Hyakushi 月百姿

. WKD : Moon and Haiku .
"月百姿 石山月" Lady Murasaki at Ishiyama
Tsuki Hyakushi
. WKD : Murasaki and Haiku .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

吉野山夜半月 伊賀局 Yoshinoyama Yowa no Tsuki
Manosan yowa no tsuki / Night moon over Mount Manno
A Tengu with claws is showing a letter to a lady who has very long hair hanging down her back . . .

CLICK for more Yoshitoshi photos !
Tsukioka Kogyo 月岡耕漁 (Tsukioka Koogyo)
明治2年3月7日(1869年4月18日) - 昭和2年(1927年)2月25日)

His style was distinctive and so were his subjects - Noh plays.
Kogyo was born under the real name of Hanyu Sadanosuke in Tokyo. When the young boy was fifteen years old, his mother married Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, the famous ukiyo printmaker. From his stepfather he received his new family name Tsukioka and his first lessons in Japanese printmaking.
Later the young man became the student of another well-known print artist of the Meiji period, Ogata Gekko. Following an old Japanese tradition, he received a new first name from his teacher - Kogyo. The name game was finished and a new artist was born - Kogyo Tsukioka.
source : www.artelino.com
Fudo Myoo Threatening the Young Priest Yuten Shami
by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

- source : www.robynbuntin.com
. Yuuten Shoonin 祐天上人 Saint Yuten Shonin .
(1637 - 1718)
- #yoshitoshi #tsukiokayoshitoshi -
Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811)
Sakanouye Tamuramaro -
Reference :
東京開化狂画名所 / 月岡米次郎 画
トウキョウ カイカ キョウガ メイショ
tokyo kaika kyoga meisho
月岡 芳年, 1839-1892
ツキオカ, ヨシトシ
tsukioka, yoshitoshi
Waseda University Library
月岡芳年「風俗三十二相 むまさう 嘉永年間女郎之風俗」。
A prostitute eating shrimp tempura
more about Tempura in Edo
yama no inu, yama-inu, yamainu 山犬 "mountain dog", wolf .
桃太郎豆蒔之図 Momotaro Mamemaki no Zu - Momotaro throwing beans
Jigoku Dayû sees herself as a skeleton in the Mirror of Hell
. 月岡芳年 Tsukioka Yoshitoshi .
Jigoku Dayu - Courtesan of Hell
Tamausagi - Son Goku 玉兎 孫悟空 Monkey
月岡芳年 Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
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