
- Dragon Words - Vocabulary


Dragon Words

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doragon ドラゴン dragon, Drachen

ryuu, ryoo, tatsu 竜; 龍 dragon

fukuryuu 伏龍; 伏竜 "lying dragon", suicide divers (in WW II)
... fukuryuu hoosuu 伏竜鳳雛 gifted young person
liegender Drache

garyuu 牙龍; 牙竜 dragon's fang.

garyuu 臥龍; 臥竜 "dragon lying down" reclining dragon
great man; exceptional person hidden among the masses;
liegender Drache. in der Welt unbekannte große Persönlichkeit
... garyuu hoosuu 臥竜鳳雛 gifted young person
... garyuu tensei 画龍点睛; 画竜点睛; 画竜天睛; 臥龍点睛
the finishing touch, critical step

ginryoosoo ギンリョウソウ (銀竜草) Ginryō-sō, Indian pipe
Monotropa uniflora, Monotropastrum globosum

gyoryuu 魚竜 "fish dragon" ichthyosaur. Ichthyosaurus

haooryuu 覇王竜 tyrannosaurus rex

hakuryoo, hakuryuu 白竜 white dragon
weisser Drache

hiryuu 飛竜 flying dragon
fliegender Drache
hiryuuzu, hiryoozu 飛竜頭; 飛竜子 filhos.
food, prepared from rice four.

Iseebi, ise-ebi いせえび 竜蝦 / 伊勢海老 'spiny lobster'
Hummerkrabbe, Hummer,Languste, Garnele

jiryuu 地竜 "land dragon"
herbal medicine prepared from dried earthworms
chinesische Medizin

karyoo 火竜 firedrake
... karyoosen 火龍船
... karyoohoo 火龍炮
... karyuu 火龍 a figure in the shogi game

keiryuu kihei 軽竜騏兵 Royal light cavalry
leichte Kaiserliche Kavallerie

konryoo 袞竜; 袞龍 imperial robes. Kleidung des Kaisers

kooryuu 亢竜 dragon which has already ascended to heaven
in den Himmel aufgestiegener Drache

kooryuu, kooryoo 蛟竜; 蛟龍 rain dragon, hidden genius
Wasserdrache, Regendrache.
Person mit versteckten großen Fähigkeiten.

kyooryuu 恐竜 "terrible dragon", dinosaur

(other dinosaur words will not be added)

mogura モグラ; モグラモチ (土竜; 土龍) "earth dragon", mole
Mogera imaizumii. Maulwurf

noboriryuu, nobori ryuu 昇り竜/登り竜 ascending dragon, rising dragon
aufsteigender Drache

ooryuu 応竜; 応龍 Yinglong, Chinese dragon with wings
Chinesischer Drache mit Flügeln

peeron 飛竜; 白竜 "flying dragon, white dragon", peron dragon boat

reiroo 玲瓏 transparent, with no cloud in the sky
- roo 瓏 clarity, sound of jewels

RYU ........................................

ryuubanrui 竜盤類 Saurischia dinosaurus

ryuuga 竜駕 imperial carriage
kaiserliche Kutsche

ryuugan 竜眼 "dragon eye" longan plant
Dimocarpus longan, Euphoria longana. Longanbaum; Drachenauge

ryuugan 竜顔 "dragon face" imperial countenance
Gesicht des Kaisers

ryuuguu 竜宮 dragon palace. Drachenpalast
ryuuguujoo 竜宮城 palace of the Dragon king
Schloss des Drachenkönigs am Meeresgrund

ryuuhimaki, ryuuhi maki 竜皮巻 vinegared white fish rolled with konbu
Fischrolle mit Kombu

ryuujin 龍神; 竜神 dragon god, dragon deity
ryuujoo kohaku 竜攘虎搏 (りゅうじょうこはく) fierce fight
heftiger Kampf (wie zwischen Drachen und Tiger)

ryuukihei 竜騎兵 "dragon cavalry", dragoon

ryuuko 竜虎; 龍虎 "dragon and tiger", two mighty rivals, hero, good writer
Drache und Tieger. Zwei Helden
... ryuuko aiutsu 竜虎相搏つ diamonds cut diamonds
... ryuuko no arasoi 竜虎の争い well-matched contest

ryuukotsu 竜骨 "dragon bone", keel. Kiel
... ryuukotsuza 竜骨座 keel star, carina constellation
Carina (Sternbild des südlichen Himmels

ryuukyakurui 竜脚類 sauropod. Sauropoden

ryuume 竜馬 "dragon horse", - splendid horse
- promoted bishop in the boardgame shogi
"Drachen-Pferd", prachtvolles Pferd. Shōgi-Spielfigur.

ryuunoo 竜脳 borneol, crystalline turpenoid alcohol
..... ryuunoogiku 竜脳菊 Chrysanthemum makinoi Matsum


ryuu no hige 竜の髭 . 龍の髭
"beard of a dragon"

dwarf mondo grass
..... janohige no hana, ja no hige no hana 蛇の髭の花
flower of the snake beard plant
Ophiopogon japonicus

plant kigo for early summer

In autumn it has beautiful blue pearls.


ryuu o 竜王 dragon king. Drachenkönig

ryuusen 竜船 "dragon boat". Drachenboot

ryuusha 竜舎 Ryusha, part of a pagoda finial
kugelförmige Verziehrung des metallenen Aufsatzes einer Pagode

ryuusha 竜車 "dragon carriage", imperial carriage
kaiserliche Kutsche

ryuushuu 竜舟; 龍舟 dragon boat. Drachenboot
(usually canoe for 22 persons for traditional boat racing)

ryuutan, rindoo 竜胆 gentian, bellflower, Gentiana scabra. Enzian
... tsururindoo 蔓竜胆 Tripterospermum japonicum
... harurindoo, haru rindoo 春竜胆 Gentiana thunbergii

ryuuteki 竜笛; 龍笛 "dragon flute" from bamboo

ryuuten sazae 竜天栄螺 tapestry turban shell, Turbo petholatus

ryuutoo 竜灯 "dragon lamp"
phosphorescent lights seen at sea at night, thought to be the torches of the Dragon King

ryuutoo tabi 竜頭蛇尾 "head of dragon, tail of snake"
strong beginning and a weak ending
Antiklimax. starker Anfang und schwaches Ende

ryuuza 竜座 "dragon seat" Draco constellation
Draco Sternbild des nördlichen Himmels

ryuuzenkoo 竜涎香 ambergis incense
Amber. Ambra -Duftstoff aus der fettigen Darmausscheidung des Pottwals

ryuuzetsuran リュウゼツラン 竜舌蘭; 龍舌蘭 American agave; century plant
lit. tongue of a dragon
(Agave americana)
plant kigo for all summer

ryuuzu 竜頭 "dragon head" - part of a temple bell
Ring am oberen Teil einer Tempelglocke
- tatsugashira part of armour
ryuutoo gekishu 竜頭鷁首 two boats, one with dragon head, one with heron head
used in the Heian period
ryuzumaki no tokei竜頭巻きの時計 arm watch,

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seiryoo, seiryuu 青龍; 青竜 "blue dragon", "green dragon"
Azure Dragon God in the East
der Azurblaue Drache
..... seiryuutoo青竜刀 chinese broad sword
chinesisches Breitschwert

shako シャコ /蝦蛄; 青竜蝦 mantis shripm
Heuschreckenkrebs. Oratosquilla oratoria

shooryuu 昇竜 rising dragon
aufsteigender Drache

shugoryuu 守護竜; 守護龍 guardian dragon
guards the "dragon cave" 龍穴

sooryoo, sooryuu 蒼竜; 蒼龍 blue dragon
Azure Dragon God

Tatsutahime 竜田姫 princess Tatsutahime; goddess of autumn

tatsutaage, tatsuta age 竜田揚げ; 立田揚げ; 竜田揚;
立田揚 food. flavored fish meat, deep fried

tatsu no kuchi 竜の口 dragon-head gargoyle, gutter sprout
Drachenmaul. Wasserspeier
(very seldom ryuu no kuchi)

tatsu no otoshigo 竜の落し子 sea horse
"lost child of the dragon"
Seepferdchen . fam. Hippocampinae

tatsumaki 竜巻き "winding dragon" tornado
Trombe, Wasserhose, Windhose

tenryuu hachibushuu 天竜八部衆; 天龍八部衆 "heavenly dragons"
the eight legions (devas, nagas, yakshas, gandharvas, ashuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas)

tokage 蜥蜴; 石竜子 "stone dragon child" lizzard
Eidechse. Eumeces latiscutatus
..... tokageza 蜥蜴座 Lacerta constellation
Lacerta Sternbild am nördlichen Himmel

tooryuumon 登竜門; 登龍門 "dragon gate" gateway to success
Tor zum Erfolg

uuron 烏龍; 烏竜; 鳥龍 / ウーロン Oolong
ウーロン茶, 烏竜茶 Oolong Tea


tatsu, shin 辰 dragon, fifth Chinese zodiac animal
in combination with others in the sexagenary cycle

boshin 戊辰 Boshin. fifth of the sexagenary cycle

hinoe tatsu 丙辰 53rd of the sexagenary cycle

hokushin 北辰 North Star, pole star, Polarstern
Hokushin gongen 北辰権現

jishingi 時辰儀 chronometer

jitsugetsu seishin 日月星辰 sun, moon and stars
Sonne, Mond und Himmelskörper

kanoe tatsu, kooshin 庚辰 17th of the sexagenary cycle
kanoe tatsu, kooshin 甲辰 41st of the sexagenary cycle

kashin 嘉辰; 佳辰 auspicious day or occasion
glückverheißender Tag

mizunoe tatsu 壬辰 29th of the sexagenary cycle

seishin 星辰 stars, celestial bodies. Himmelskörper
seishin suuhai 星辰崇拝
Astrolatrie, Sternverehrung

shinsha 辰砂; 辰沙 cinnabar, cinnabar lacquerware

tanshin 誕辰 "birthday dragon"

tatsumi 辰巳; 巽 "dragon and snake" southeast,
tatsu no koku 辰の刻 "hour of the dragon" 8 am

tatsumi geisha 辰巳芸者 geisha from Fukagawa, a red-light district in Edo

tatsudoshi 辰年 year of the dragon. Drachenjahr
tatsu no toshi 辰の年 year of the dragon
Jahr des Drachen

Tatsumi Geisha by Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国


Many items have already been covered in the Daruma Museum.

. SEARCH the Daruma Museum .

. Chinese characters for Dragon - Kanji .

. Dragon Quotes .


1 comment:

Gabi Greve said...

ryuuzu 竜頭と伝説 Legends about the dragon head
ryuuzu りゅうず, ryuutoo りょうとう Ryuto

ryuuzu 竜頭 Ryuzu, "dragon head" - hook of a temple bell