2012 - Year of the Dragon
hatsu yume ya tatsu no ue ni tatsu Fuji no Yama
first dream -
a dragon at the foot
of Mount Fuji
Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎
tatsu 辰 Dragon
ryuu,ryoo 龍 / 竜 dragon
The TATSU Dragon is one of the 12 zodiac animals of the Asian lunar calendar.
He is therefore a well-liked animal in folk art and handicraft.
It comes as a papermachee doll, clay doll or clay bell and other materials.
. Tatsu 辰 The Zodiac Dragon

2012年のだるま Daruma for 2012

source : takasaki-kankoukyoukai.or.jp

Kurashiki, shrine Ashitaka Jinja 倉敷市笹沖, 足高神社
for the year Heisei 24 平成24年
At the shrine Tsurusaki Jinja 鶴崎神社 they are preparing a huge dragon ema with two dragons, in auspicious white and red, made from origami paper.
They show a "dragon going to heaven" 昇り竜
symbolizing the future for Japan, which must go up after so much damage in 2011.

Some labyrinths to work through!

Find the differences !
間違い探しの年賀状 「辰(たつ)の餅つき」

迷路の年賀状 「辰(たつ)とだるま」
Look at many more wonderful Dragon games :
source : blog.kotoba.littlestar.jp
Dragon Bisquits in a Daruma Box

. . . . .

source : www.murakudo.com

source : web-room-krym4.com
nengajoo 年賀状 New Year Greeting Cards

Click on the images to see more !
New Year Greetings with Daruma

source : maneki_neko
. Nenga 年賀状 New Year Greetings with Daruma .

. Kunitokotachi no Mikoto .
龍神「国常立尊」 Kunitokotachi no Mikoto
"The Japanese Islands
are the body of the Dragon Kunitokotachi.!
Hello! First of all , congratulations for such wonderful blogs. I am a student from Seville, Spain, majoring in Southeast Asia. Me and two of my colleages are working in an investigation project about Daruma paintings in Edo's Ukiyo-e and Zenga (also the satiric ones) to set up an exhibition, and looking for information I came to your blog. I just wanted to ask if you happen to know specific examples about this topic or in which cathegories or tags from your blog could I find them, because you have so many information and I have so little time that I feel a little bit overwhelmed. It doesn't matter if you have information in english, german or japanese, because I can get by in these languages. If you could help us we would be forever grateful. Thank you in advance.
Dear Rocio,
check the ABC index of the Daruma Museum
E ... 絵 ... Paintings of Daruma
Hanga 版画 <> Woodblockprints of Daruma
..... Hanga, Woodblockprints 版画a summary
Kakejiku 掛け軸 <> Scrolls and Paintings (see also Zenga)
Main Entry for Scrolls
Painting, Paint your own Daruma 達磨画入門
Soba 蕎麦 そば <> Daruma Eating Buckwheat Noodles
Ukiyo-E 浮世絵 woodblock prints
and a few more suitable titles, you can find .
You were so fast, thank you very much! I will have a look at those first, then :D Have a nice day!!
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