Calligraphy from Friends
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Jon Leniz

Niko Shodou
. Daruma by Niko Shodou .

龍 - Sárkány - Dragon
2012 a sárkány éve lesz.
Vázlatok az új évhez, kalligráfiákhoz, tusképekhez.
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- Year of the Dragon
Sketches for a new year, calligraphy and sumi-e

The Year of the Water Dragon
On January 23 rd, 2012, we enter the Year of the Yang (陽, pinyin: yáng, lit. “sun”; male element Yang) Water Dragon, which appears in a 62 year cycle. It is a year I have been awaiting for a long time. Its symbolism is closely related to East Asian calligraphy, and it also gives me the opportunity to explain my pen name.
Dragons in Far Eastern mythology are benevolent creatures; bearers of wisdom, power, and positive energy. Together with a phoenix, dragon’s Yin (陰, pinyin: yīn, lit. “shadow”; female element Yin) counterpart, they are seen as an auspicious omen. Dragons and their supernatural abilities often appeared in the history of Chinese calligraphy.
The moves of a Master calligrapher resemble those of a dragon in flight.
my pen name 龍涙 (りゅうるい, ryūrui, i.e. “Tears of Dragon”)
“Tears of the dragon” become ink of the soul.
- Blessings of the Dragon Gods -
. . . . .
Ponte Ryuurui
- Beyond Calligraphy -

ryuuhoo 龍鳳 (pinyin: lóng fèng, "dragon and phoenix)

龍鳳呈祥 (Chinese: lóng fèng chéng xiáng, i.e.
"the dragon and phoenix together are a good omen")

ryuushin 龍心 "dragon heart (spirit/mind)")

ryuume 龍馬 Literally it means "dragon horse",
though the meaning of this phrase is "splendid horse", a horse with a dragon spirit.
. . . . .

dawn of day two
so divine
like the dragon
It snows silently.....
the day two
of the dragon year
Hideo Suzuki
it snows heavily -
day two of the Dragon year
with Dragon Snow !
Gabi Greve, Japan
Steve Weiss
Here is one of my kakizome.
It reads RYŪ (dragon) and is brushed in sōsho.

Yukari Tsubaki
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