Ryuu-oo 竜王 Ryu-O - The Dragon King
Der Drachenkönig

source : www.butuzou.co.jp
The Dragon King 龍王 (or Dragon God, Ryuujin 竜神)
is a manifestation of the Snake. His realm is the ocean and he can climb to the sky, provoke clouds and rain.
Temples named
Ryuuooji 竜王寺 Ryuo-Ji "Dragon King Temple"
滋賀県蒲生郡竜王町 Shiga
香川県小豆郡小豆島町 Kagawa
. Nine Children of the Dragon King 龍生九子 .
In Buddhism we have the eight
Hachibushuu, Hachi Bushu 八部衆
Eight Legions, Eight Deva Guardians of Buddhism
. Hachibushu 八部衆.
Acht Gruppen göttlicher Wesen
Auch "Himmlische Drachen" (Tenryuu Hachibushuu) oder
"Drachengottheiten" (Ryuushin Hachibushuu) genannt.
Hachidai ryuu-oo 八大竜王 Ryu-O
Eight Great Dragon Kings
Eight Dragon Kings
Acht grosse Drachenkönige

source : www.ryu-sho.co.jp
Caraved from hinoki 桧 cedar wood.
Carved at a store called Dragon in Okayama
. Hachiryuu 八龍神社 Eight Dragon Shrines .

Vishnu sleeping on Ananta
They are deities from India.
〔1〕Nanda 難陀(なんだ)(ナンダ Nanda の音写。「歓喜」の意)
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〔2〕Hotsu Nanda 跋(ばつ)難陀(ウパナンダ Upananda「弟ナンダ」)
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〔3〕Shagara 沙伽羅(しゃがら)(サーガラ Sgara「海」
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〔4〕Washukichi 和修吉(わしゅきち)(バースキ Vsuki「九頭」)
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〔5〕Tokushaka 徳叉迦(とくしゃか)(タクシャカ Takaka「多舌」)
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〔6〕Anokudatsu 阿耨達(あのくだつ)(アナバタプタ Anavatapta「無熱悩」)
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〔7〕Manashi 摩那斯(まなし)(マナスビン Manasvin「慈心」)
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〔8〕Ubara 優鉢羅(うぱら)(ウトゥパラカ Utpalaka「青蓮華(れんげ)
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source : 100.yahoo.co.jp
Hachidai Ryuu-ou (Eight Great Dragon Kings)
are mentioned in the Lotus Sutra (Hokekyo 法華経) and they appear sometimes in Japanese artwork.
These eight are dragon kings said to live at the bottom of the sea, apparently in reference to the eight dragon kings, each with many followers, who assembled at Eagle Peak to hear the Lotus Sutra as expounded by the Historical Buddha. According to the Kairyu-o Sutra 海龍王経 (Sutra of the Dragon King of the Sea, Kairyu-o-kyo), dragons are often eaten by giant man-birds called Garudas, their natural enemy.
The Phoenix is another enemy of the dragon. Nanda Ryuuou, who is one member of the Hachidai group, can sometimes represent the whole set, as he does in the Hokke Mandala 法華曼荼羅.
source : - Mark Schumacher -
eight great dragon kings
[八大竜王] ( hachidai-ryuo )
hachi ryuuoo 八竜王 / 八龍王
Also, eight dragon kings.
Eight dragon kings who assembled at the gathering where Shakyamuni preached the Lotus Sutra, as described in the sutra. Kumarajiva's translation of the Lotus Sutra refers to them by their Sanskrit names:
Nanda, Upananda, Sagara, Vasuki, Takshaka,
Anavatapta, Manasvin, and Utpalaka.
According to the "Introduction" (first) chapter of the Lotus Sutra, each attends the gathering accompanied by several hundreds of thousands of followers.
source : www.sgilibrary.org
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hachi ryuu nichi / hachi ryuu no hi 八竜日 day of the eight dragons
The first day of the new year, according to the yin-yang philosophy, with the constellation
ki no e ne 春の甲子(きのえね)
first day of the rat and the element water
..... hatsu kasshi 初甲子(はつかっし)
. WKD : first day of the rat and the element water .
ki no to i no hi 乙亥(きのとい)の日 (otsugai)
second day of the wild boar
twelfth of the sexagenary cycle
This day brings bad luck and should not be used to start a business.
Dragon King’s Daughter
(represented on the Gohonzon Diagram by #22,
the Eight Great Dragon Kings)

Of all Shakyamuni’s teachings, only in the Lotus Sutra do women attain enlightenment. Shakyamuni challenges our misconception that time is needed to attain enlightenment. He also challenges us to realize that enlightened life exists not just in old learned men, but in the very young as well. That’s why there is no distinction among believers. The Dragon King’s Daughter is:
- not fully human
- female
- she attained enlightenment in an instant
Enlightenment is a state of life that is even difficult for Buddhas to fully comprehend. Yet, this state of life is available to us at every moment. The Dragon King’s Daughter represents attaining that enlightenment at this moment and then perceiving our life from this state. We use this wisdom available to us to constantly move our lives in a positive and happy direction.
source : www.gakkaionline.net
Kairyuuooji 海龍王寺 Temple KaiRyuo-Ji
897 Hokkeji Kita-machi Nara City,

Kairyuoji temple,
located to the east of Hokeji temple, was built for prayers for the safety of Japanese envoys during his voyage to China during the Tang Dynasty. The first chief priest of Kairyuoji temple, Genbo, was one of these envoys. He stayed in China for 17 years, together with Kibi no Makibi and Abe no Nakamaro.
During his return journey from China to Japan, his ship was caught in a violent storm, and he chanted the Kairyuo Sea Dragon King Sutra unceasingly.
It is said that the Sutra protected the ship, and since then, prayers for the safety of envoys crossing the sea to Japan have been offered at the temple.
source : www.pref.nara.jp
The tempel is famous for a five-storied pagoda.

small five-storied pagoda 五重小塔

source : genkikidx
Genbō (玄昉, d. 746), also known as Gembō,
was a Japanese scholar-monk and bureaucrat of the Imperial Court at Nara.
In 717-718, he was part of the Japanese mission to Tang China (Kentōshi) along with Kibi no Makibi and Abe no Nakamaro. Genbō stayed in China for 17 years before returning to Japan.
He was a prominent figure associated with the Hossō sect of Buddhism in Japan, appointed abbot (sojo) of Kōfuku-ji by Emperor Shomu.
740 (Tenpyō 12): Gembō made improper advances to the wife of Fujiwara no Hirotsugu, Hirotsugu petitioned for the removal of the priest, but Kibi no Makibi and Genbō conspired successfully to discredit him.
At the time of Genbō's death, it was popularly believed that he was killed by the vengeful spirit of Hirotsugu.
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. Envoys to China 遣唐使 Kentoshi .
The three Dragon Kings of shrine Muro Ryuketsu Jinja 室生竜穴神社
(Muroo ryuuketsu jinja)
(near tempel Murooji 室生寺 Muro-Ji in Nara)
Myokichijo Ryuketsu 妙吉祥竜穴
Mochiho Kichijo Ryuketsu 持法妙吉祥竜穴
Sashara Ebisu Kichijo Ryuketsu 沙遮羅夷吉祥竜穴
At the entrance to the shrine is a frame with the inscription
Zennyo Ryuuoo 善女龍王社 Dragon Lady Zennyo

Seiryoo Gongen 清滝権現 and
. the Dragon Lady Zennyo and Kannon .
. 善女龍王 carved by 円空 Enku .
. Zennyo Ryūō 善如龍王 / 善女龍王 .
. Dragon Shrines .

source : nydwyn greendragon
... by the Shingon Buddhist sect and completed in the early ninth century,
source : www.webpages.uidaho.edu
. WKD : Murooji, Murō-ji 室生寺 Muro-Ji .
Kichijoo ryuuketsu 吉祥龍穴 Kichijo Ryuketsu
Kissho Dragon Cave
an opening in the rocks behind temple Muro-Ji
The other two caves are not found today any more.
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reference : Kichijooten 吉祥天 Kichijo Ten
The Ryuketsu in Nara is one of the three famous Ryuuketsu in Japan.
日本三大龍穴 three Dragon Holes of Japan:
. Kibune no Ryuketsu 貴船の龍穴 . kyoto
Bizen no Ryuketsu 備前の龍穴 (瀬戸内市, 岡山)
. . . . . btw
three great Dragon Deity shrine gates
roomon 楼門 tower gate
The sutra on the king of the sea dragons is now in the National Museum in Nara.

At the temple Kairyuo-Ji an annual ceremony is held in memory of priest Genbo and the Dragon King Sutra. Prayers are for the safety of the four seas, for those who have to go and come back safely and for those who lost their lives on sea.

Shikai Anon kigan hooyoo 四海安穏祈願法要
source : aoniyoshi
Shooryuuji 正龍寺 Temples named Shoryu-Ji
鹿児島県指宿市 Kagoshima
source : 正龍寺
. Temples named Seiryu-Ji .
. Seiryuu, Shooryuu 青竜 / 青龍 Azure Dragon .
Seiryu, Shoryu
There are also Shinto shrines dedicated to the Dragon king.
Ryuuoo jinja 龍王神社 Ryuo Jinja
. 竜王神社 Dragon King Shrines .
. Ryuuoo in 龍王院 Ryuo-In - Dragon God Shrine .
at Kinpusenji Nara 金峯山寺
Dedicated to the Snake Deity Nooten Ookami 脳天大神 Noten Okami
. "Dragon King Dance" 竜王の舞 ryuuoo no mai .
at Shrine Uwase Jinja 宇波西神社
Ranryoo oo no mai 蘭陵王の舞
. 白龍龍寿大神 White Dragon God for Long Life .
goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 Dragon God of five colors
In the 犬山市 Inuyama region and
金龍神 Golden - 白龍神 - White - 黒龍神 Black - 赤龍神 Red - 青龍神 Green
at 田無神社 Tanashi Jinja -Tokyo, Nishitokyo, 田無町3−7−4
ryuugonsan リュウゴンサン / 龍王神 the Dragon King Deity
goshiki no tsume 五色の爪 nails of five colors of the 竜王 Dragon Deity
At the Temple Muro-Ji 室生寺の境内 along the river 室生川 the saint 慶円上人 Keien (1140 - 1223) once passed. At the riverside a female Dragon King 善女竜王 waited for him. He asked her to show her real features and after some discussion, she turned into a black cloud and showed her right hand. It had long nails of about 3 cm in five colors.
Since than the riverbank is called 爪出が淵 Tsumedegafuchi.
. goshiki 五色と伝説 Legends about the five ritual colors .
. Ocean Dragon King Sutra: Ratnavati .
. Urashima Taro 浦島太郎
and the Dragon Palace .
. Dragon Temples .
. Nine Children of the Dragon King 龍生九子 .
Banryuu 蟠竜 Banryu“Coiling Dragon"
a dragon which is still on this earth, and has not yet climbed to heaven.
Statue of Fudo Myo-O with a Dragon face, maybe the Dragon Deity himself
Nanzooin, Nanzoo-In 南蔵院 Nanzo-In, Nanzoin
. Sasaguri 篠栗四国八十八箇所 88 Henro Temples - Kyushu
The qilin (Chinese: 麒麟; pinyin: qílín) is a mythical hooved chimerical creature known in Chinese and other East Asian cultures, said to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a sage or illustrious ruler.
It is a good omen thought to occasion prosperity or serenity. It is often depicted with what looks like fire all over its body.
Kirin is the Japanese form of "qilin", which has also come to be used in the modern Japanese word for a giraffe. Japanese art tends to depict the kirin as more deer-like than in Chinese art. Alternatively, it is depicted as a dragon shaped like a deer, but with an ox's tail instead of a lion's tail. The Kirin Brewery Company, Ltd., is named after the animal and uses a picture of one in its labels. They are also often portrayed as partially unicorn-like in appearance, but with a backwards curving horn.
In the Post-Qin Chinese hierarchy of mythological animals, the qilin is ranked as the third most powerful creature (after the dragon and phoenix), but in Japan, the kirin occupies the top spot. This is following the style of the ancient Chinese, as qilin was ranked higher than the dragon or phoenix before the Qin dynasty. During the Zhou dynasty, the qilin was ranked the highest, the phoenix ranked second, and the dragon the third.
More in the wikipedia
Amewakahiko, Ame-Waka-Hiko 天若日子 / 天稚彦 / あめわかひこ
Ame wakahiko / Ame no wakahiko
This oni turns out to be the father of a kairyüö (Kairyu-O, a dragon king of the ocean) who also lives in the sky. This dragon king calls himself Amewakahiko (sometimes Amewakamiko), ...
Kagawa 香川県 .... 羽方(現高瀬町) Takase Hagawa
unagibuchi ryuuoo 鰻淵龍王 the Dragon King of the Eel Pool
is venerated on a rock with a shimenawa 注連縄 sacred rope around it. There live 黒鰻 black and 白鰻 white eels.
If people saw a black eel, it would rain. If they saw a white eel, it would shine. Many people came to find out about the rain in their region.
Legends about the Dragon King
26 龍王 to explore at nichibun yokai database
78 竜王
126 竜神 to explore
ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends
Dragon Legends from Mount Akagisan Gunma
Ryujin Legend from Nagano
上田市 Ueda city
Azumaya san no kami 四阿山の神 Kami of Mount Azumaya (2,354 m)
Once Yamanokami walked around Mount Azumaya in the direction of river 神川 Kangawa. Suddenly goma no mi ごまの実 the seed of sesame hit his eye and hurt it badly.
Since then downriver of Kangawa they do not grow sesame.
- a version from 佐久市 Saku city
Once upon a time
In the pond of temple 真楽寺 Shinraku-Ji there lived a ryuujin 竜神 Dragon Deity. He was on his way to 諏訪湖 Lake Suwako, near 小田井 Otai in 横根 Yokone, he fell down and hurt his eye with a seed of sesame.
Therefore the farmers of Yokone do not grow sesame. If they do, they will be cursed.
Legend from Miyazaki 西都市 Saito city 銀鏡 Shiromi
. ryuutoo 龍燈 / 竜灯 Ryuto, "dragon lantern" .
A phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, in the evening hours.
Shrine Shiromi Jinja 銀鏡神社
Shiromi Kagura, also called 米良神楽 Mera Kagura, is performed at the Shrine 銀鏡神社 Shiromi Jinja from evening all through the next morning.
The mountain above the Shrine is called 竜房山 and ryuujin 竜神 the Dragon Deity lives on its top.
Sometimes there is special Dragon Light on the top of the mountain.
At the dance 銀鏡(しろみ)神楽 Shiromi Kagura there are two masks, one of a skull with straw nets and one wooden of ryuutoo 竜頭 a dragon head.
Rituals at this Shrine will bring rain.
The dragon is one of the 八大竜王.
Legend from Yamanashi 甲斐市 Kai city 竜王 Ryuo village
The founding priest from 慈照寺 Temple Jisho-Ji was a descendant of an Akuryu, 悪竜 malicious dragon.
To show his gratitude, the dragon stumped his staff into the ground and a well sprung up, the
竜王水 Dragon King Water.
Legend from Shimane, Izumo
Ryuta sama 竜蛇さま
This 白蛇 small white serpent named Ryuta Sama is venerated at the Shrine 佐太神社 Sada Jinja, at Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 the Great Shrine at Izumo and at 日御碕神社 the Shrine of Hinomisaki.
It is the messenger of ryuuoo 竜王 Ryu-O the Dragon King.
Before Ryuta Sama comes, the weather turns bad and a storm comes.
The fisherman who catched the Ryuta will become rich.
ryuu ga ike, ryuu-ga-ike 竜が池 / 竜ヶ池 / 龍が池 / 龍ヶ池
Ryugaike, Tatsugaike "Dragon Pond" legends
ryuujo 竜女と伝説 / 龍女 Ryujo - Legends about female dragons
Legend from Okayama 岡山市 Okayama city 中区 Naka ward
ryuu no shita 竜の舌 the tongue of a dragon
At the temple Anju-In they venerate ryuu no shita 竜の舌 the tongue of a dragon.
In fact it is the nose of a same 鮫 shark.
If it is washed in the pond of Ryuo-Do 竜王堂 the Dragon King Hall, there will soon rain be falling.
禅光寺 Zenko-Ji の安住院 Anju-In
Legend from Sanukiyama, Kagawa
During amagoi 雨乞い a rain ritual, the Dragon King is venerated,
if there come white clouds, a Tengu comes down and sits on matsu no ki 松の木 a pine tree.
Now it begins to rain.
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