
Temples named Kinryu-Ji

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Kinryuuji 金龍寺 temples named Kinryu-ji

Golden Dragon Temple
Goldener Drachentemple

The Golden Dragon (kinryuu son 金龍尊) is often mentioned in the Suvarna- prabhasa-sutra "Golden Light Sutra" (Goldglanz Sutra).

There are a few temples of this name in Japan.

金龍寺 (石狩市) - 北海道石狩市にある日蓮宗の寺院。 Ishirari
金龍寺 (龍ケ崎市) - 茨城県龍ケ崎市にある曹洞宗の寺院。Ibaraki
金龍寺 - 長野県安曇野市にある臨済宗妙心寺派寺院。Nagano
金龍寺 (飛騨市) - 岐阜県飛騨市にある曹洞宗の寺院。Gifu
金龍寺 (高槻市) - 大阪府高槻市にある天台宗の寺院。Osaka
金龍寺 (宝塚市) - 兵庫県宝塚市にある真言三宝宗の寺院。Hyogo
金龍寺 (福岡市) - 福岡県福岡市中央区にある曹洞宗の寺院。 Shizuoka
金龍寺 (那覇市) - 沖縄県那覇市にある寺院。Okinawa
金龍寺 - 台北市内湖区にある臨済宗の寺院。

Kinryuji Temple
22-4 Yorozucho Tochigi City, Japan 328-0015


金竜寺(金龍寺) 金龍禅寺 Kinryu Zenji

The temple was built in 1508 to hold the grave of
高祖城主原田氏 the Harada clan head during the time of their power.
Later it has been rebuilt by Kuroda Nagamasa, who's son also constructed a Toshogu shrine in Fukuoka to honor Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Now the Zen temple is famous for the grave of the sholar

Kaibara Ekiken 貝原益軒 Kaibara Ekken
He is called the "Aristoteles of the East".

(December 17, 1630 - October 5, 1714)
also known as Atsunobu (篤信) was a Japanese Neo-Confucianist philosopher and botanist.

Kaibara was born into a family of advisors to the daimyo of Fukuoka Domain in Chikuzen Province (modern-day Fukuoka Prefecture). He accompanied his father to Edo in 1648, and was sent in 1649 to Nagasaki to study Western science. At his father's urging, he continued his studies in Nagasaki as a rōnin from 1650 through 1656. He then re-entered service to Kuroda, which led to his continuing studies in Kyoto. After his father's death in 1665, he returned to Fukuoka.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Yōjōkun 養生訓 Yoojookun, Yojokun
The Book of Life-nourishing Principles
He was very interested in methods to keep the body healthy and studied Chinese traditional medicine and herbs.

Keiso Saijiki 荊楚歳時記
written in China in the 6th or 7th century.
In the Nara period, this was introduced to Japan and a
Japanese Saijiki 日本歳時記 was then compiled under the supervision of Kaibara Ekiken 貝原益軒 and his nephew Kooko 好古.
This was also a project to increase his knowledge about plants and animals.

Kaibara also wrote
Chinese Poetry for Beginners
Shinju heikō aimotorazaru ron - Treatise on the Non-Divergence of Shinto and Confucianism

. History of Japanese Saijiki .

Ise ebi 伊勢海老 Ise-lobster
First named by Kaibara Ekiken, because most catch comes from the Ise area.
. WASHOKU Saijiki - Autumn .


Temple Kinryu-Ji, Ota town

This temple is also named after the posthumous Buddhist name of its founder,
Nitta Yoshisada 新田義貞 (1301 - 1338).


Nitta Yoshisada

(1301 – August 17, 1338)
was the head of the Nitta family in the early fourteenth century, and supported the Southern Court of Emperor Go-Daigo in the Nanboku-chō period, capturing Kamakura from the Hōjō clan in 1333.
Long an enemy of Ashikaga Takauji, Nitta Yoshisada is often blamed for the split between the Northern and Southern Courts, as he fought against the Ashikaga and for the Emperor Go-Daigo.
Read about his remarkable death :
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Buddhist Sculptures of Kozuke Province .


Hoojuzan Kinryu-Ji 寳珠山金龍禪寺 - 宝珠山


The temple name refers to the posthumous Buddhist name Kinryu of its founder, the lord
Imanaka 今中将藍光相, who is burried there. The temple was founded in 1632.

On August 6, 1945, many buildings of the temple and the trees in the park were destroyed by the atomic blast.
In 2000, the reconstruction of concrete buildings began.

At the ceiling of the main hall is a dragon-cloud painting 雲龍画.

Kinryuu Zenji 金龍禅寺
source : masuda901.web


source : nature

山水龍 金龍上山 大理石調置物
Golden Dragon on Marble
About 32 cm high

Click for other versions.


. Dragon Temples


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