
Kawara roof tiles

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. kawaraya 瓦屋 瓦師, roof tile maker .

Kawara 瓦 roof tiles

For the roof of our Darumado Hall we had two dragons made especially, one for each side.
They protect the house from fire and water damage.
Sometimes they smoke . . .

. kawaraya 瓦屋 瓦師, roof tile maker
yaneya 屋根屋 roof maker .


gatoo 瓦当 end tiles
circular antefixes

With more tiles :
source : www.yane-pro.com

Eave-end tiles with a circular or semi-circular ornamental pendant.
Gatou were brought to Japan from China and the Korean peninsular. Han-dynasty gatou were often decorated with auspicious characters. Japanese examples are decorated with the comma shape tomoemon 巴文, arabesque karakusamon 唐草文, or other designs.

Round gatou are called engatou 円瓦当, and semi-circular gatou are called hangatou 半瓦当. Sometimes pendant tiles are called by the name of the pattern decorating them. For example, round gatou decorated with a comma pattern, tomoemon, are often referred to as "eaves commas" nokidomoe 軒巴. The pendant tiles not only apply a decorative finish to the edge of the eaves but also serve to deflect the rain as they have a slightly outward slant.
source : JAANUS

. karakusamon 唐草文 Karakusa, "Chinese grass motif" .
on rooftiles and other things.


source : www.tezukayama-u.ac.jp

From Tezukayama University Museum 帝塚山大学


干支瓦【辰】扇 Dragon rooftile in fan format
decoration as auspicious symbol for 2012
43 cm wide, 22 cm high
source : www.ibusiyaki.com


. Carp Leaping form Dragon Gate .


source : bokupapa

Rooftile-Dragon on the wall of an estate, China


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

The roof of the Asakusa temple in under repair.
For this time a cover with a dragon covers the roof.

source : rossiandecat


Onigawara 鬼瓦
Literally “Demon Tile” or “Goblin Tile”
Also known as Oni-ita 鬼板 or Hanagawara 花瓦

source : - Mark Schumacher -

Shachi 鯱 or Shachihoko 鯱鉾

Literally “Killer Whale”

source : - Mark Schumacher -


Demon Gable Tiles, Onigawara 鬼瓦 goblin-tile
. Tiles, Roof Tiles Kawara 瓦 かわら .

. Dolls made from rooftile clay .


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